site logo; contains ali varaste pour's initials tied to each other
Well, this is the reason. We bow to the inevitable. We're not wheat, we're buckwheat! When a storm comes along it flattens ripe wheat because it's dry and can't bend with the wind. But ripe buckwheat's got sap in it and it bends. And when the wind has passed, it springs up almost as straight and strong as before. We aren't a stiff-necked tribe. We're mighty limber when a hard wind's blowing, because we know it pays to be limber. When trouble comes we bow to the inevitable without any mouthing, and we work and we smile and we bide our time... That, my child, is the secret of the survival.
-gone with the wind, Margaret Mitchell
The very first time I found something amusing and enjoyable to work with was when I was 7 or 8 years old. My dad bought a computer, nothing fancy, just good old Windows XP. Although it has been a long time since then, and I don't use my PC to draw 2D pictures of farms anymore (or do I?), my inner child is still fascinated when it hears a motherboard's beep. Let's not forget that sometime soon, kids are going to need new shoes (a.k.a the inner child). That's when I figured being interested in an ever-cutting-edge topic with endless paths to wander should be a gift from THEM. Still though, I think CS is not just a way to spend your free time or make some money, it is literally a way of living. Take an ML model for instance; it starts with minimum information and a lot of errors. Then it corrects itself in a way that it thinks is more accurate. This procedure goes on until the accuracy is acceptable or a maximum iteration is exceeded. The same goes for real life. We come to crossroads, we make decisions, we fail or get hurt, but the next time, we use the experience we have to make better decisions. this also goes on as long as we don't exceed our time on earth.
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I'm currently working as a web front-end developer atParsimap. Alongside my full-time role, I've always kept an open eye on freelancing positions and have taken on a few projects. I also love open-source contribution although nowadays i don't get to do that a lot. As helping people is always a pleasure for me, i was a Teaching assistant for a couple of times in SBU and a course mentor in an e-learning platform. Read more.
Soft Skills
I thrive the most in environments where I can contribute both to the people I work with and projects that we are working on. In the meantime, I welcome feedbacks from other team members and highly value effective communication.
Technical Skills
As my primary enthusiasm is web front-end development, my tech stack includes JavaScript and TypeScript as programming languages, ReactJS and NextJS as frameworks, MUI and CSS preprocessors as styling tools, and Redux as a state management tool. I think it's worth mentioning that although fancy tools have made DX much easier, putting them into proper use requires a solid knowledge of basic concepts. So, I don't limit myself to any specific tool, which makes me open to new technologies.Read more.
For the time being, I'm a senior CE student at Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran. Being in this community has played a crucial role in my career. I've met a lot of wonderful people who have taught me - directly or indirectly - how to be a better both in my profession and in real life.
current logo of Parsimap company.
Infrastructure, Location-based services and GIS solutions
Parsimap Intelligence is a platform for developing location-based systems, providing the building blocks to add location features like maps, search, reverse geocode and analytical maps.
Tehran, tehran
tir 1402 - present(11 months)
june 2023 - present
As a front-end developer at Parsimap, I have developed a couple of projects both with, and without the supervision of a team lead. I refactored some of Parsimap's legacy projects, which proved to be a demanding task since technology has changed a lot since then. This opportunity allowed me to assess my capabilities in rebuilding projects from scratch and improving existing codebase. I have also developed projects that allow Parsimap to showcase its services; namely, a web page that allows direct interaction with Parsimap's dispatching service. I also had the chance to test my ability to quickly learn and apply new technologies; for instance, I developed an android application using react-native and Java, leveraging Mapbox in a new context.
current logo of Teaching assistant company.
Teaching assistant
volunteer work
Tehran, tehran
mehr 1401 - khordad 1402(9 months)
september 2022 - june 2023
While serving as a teaching assistant at SBU, a significant aspect of my role involved crafting innovative and demanding assignments for the students. These assignments encompassed a wide array of topics, ranging from fundamental programming concepts to advanced topics such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Test-Driven Development (TDD), file and I/O operations, and socket programming, among others. The experience of being a teaching assistant not only allowed me to help students but also enriched my own learning journey, making it a valuable and rewarding experience.
current logo of Freelancing company.
shahrivar 1401 - present(1 year and 8 months)
september 2022 - present
I've had the opportunity to engage in several freelancing projects, each offering unique challenges. One such project involved enhancing a dashboard by implementing OAuth functionality and integrating a dark mode feature. In addition, I contributed to refining the user interface and client-side logic of a Converter library, exclusively using Vanilla JavaScript.
current logo of Maktabkhooneh company.
Maktabkhooneh is the biggest digital medium of virtual education in Iran. The goal of Maktabkhooneh is to make high quality education available to all Persian speakers.
Tehran, tehran
tir 1401 - khordad 1402(1 year )
june 2022 - june 2023
In my role as a mentor in Advanced ReactJS course, my responsibilities included assessing students' submissions. These submissions encompassed a variety of ReactJS projects with distinct focuses. Additionally, I provided guidance by addressing their questions related to ReactJS and its ecosystem.
tech stack
Data StructuresFunctional ProgrammingUI principles
version control
familiar with
CypressML algorithms
DokcerRustAutomation scriptsCI
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